Friday, January 1, 2016

It's a new year:  2016. A lot has changed since Gary last posted here, and I'm going to try to hit the high points. First off, we are homeless. Last March, we sold our home of 28 years, gave away most of what we owned, and moved into a 32 foot long RV.  The few things I couldn't bear to part with are in a storage facility in Terre Haute IN. Gary spent last winter in Arizona again, working for Jason Stephens at Estrella Sailport, towing gliders and wrenching. I stayed in Minnesota and took a part time job at JCPenney. When we left MN, we went to Terre Haute for the summer to see if we liked it there. The benefit of TH is that Gary's family live there, and it would be really nice to live close to them since they're really nice people. But the plan was to do the National Aerobatic Championships, and then head to Florida for the winter. I keep telling people that I don't want to shovel snow when I'm an old woman. I want to live close to the ocean. So in September, we headed to Texas, where Gary was in charge of putting on the Championships. They turned out quite good, and we made a little money for the IAC. He has one more year to be the contest director, and then he's done. After the Championships were done, we headed to Pensacola FL where we stayed for a month. I think we've found our new home. We both love it there. There's a lot to do, and the beaches are wonderful. We took a lot of moto rides along the coast, and spent time sticking our toes in the sand. Gary wanted to go to Sebring Fl for the last contest of the year, so we stayed in a nice RV park there for a month. I wasn't thrilled with the place, although I was able to spent a lot of time with my dear friend  Odette, whom I've known since 9th grade in Panama. That was great. We moved up to Winter Haven FL after that, thinking that Gary would be helping a friend get his Pitts airplane repaired and back in the air. Well, that went nowhere. The friend never got the airplane to Florida so there we were, in Florida, but no ocean anywhere around. After a month there, we decided to try to get a spot at the Famcamp at Patrick AFB over on the east FL coast. We weren't holding our breath, because we were told there were no spots available, but when we arrived, they had just opened up some newly renovated areas and we got a nice spot right away. We will stay for a month and then head back up to Pensacola. I'll get some of our travel photos posted, and give you a peak into future plans later. Right now, it's late, and I'm going to bed.

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