Monday, March 25, 2013

Pitts Progress & Keystone Acro

A lot of work has happened since my last post.  The engine is very close to test run.  Today I will fabricate and install all engine control supports.  We are still waiting for the exhaust pipes which should arrive this week.  Got a propeller spinner from my good friend Grant Nielson - its huge but looks GREAT on the Pitts.  If everything checks out OK on the test run this week I will start working on the engine cowling.  With that done she will be ready to move out to the airport for final assembly and test flights.

Over the weekend I flew down to Keystone Heights FL.  for the Season Opener (Aerobatics).  It was a small turnout due to weather.  I think we had less than 20 pilots.  Chief Judges Fred and Liza Weaver ran the registration and judges line.  Alain Aguayo was the Contest Director and did a great job despite fighting a cold.  The Primary catagory was won by Marcelo Sabat who flew in from Brazil just for the contest.  Great job Marcelo!  Sportsman was won by Michael Breshears of the Embry Riddle Team.  Intermediate by Foster Bachschmidt flying his new Extra 330, Advanced was dominated by WAAC team member Marty Flournoy and his Giles 202 and finally Unlimited was taken by Hector Ramerez flying his Extra 330.  We had one other new competitor, Col. Marcus Cade flying his new (to him) Pitts S2A who managed to place 3ed in Sportsman.  All in all it was a fun contest and I will see most of my SouthEast friends again at the Nationals in Sept.

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