Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pitts Project - Day 25

Spent New Years day finishing up the fabric on the top wing and center section.  Now the dreaded rib-stiching begins.  It will take about two-three days.  After that I'll add the tapes then we will start on the lower wings.  On Friday Chrissy and I will fly out to Los Angles for the Los Angles Aerobatic Club meeting at Apple Valley.  We'll spend the night at my good friend Jim Nahom's place up in Victorville before flying home on Saturday evening.  Over & Out!


Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Trip said...

Can't wait to see you BOTH! I last saw Chris when Kate moved out of the hangar apartment (that was quite a while ago). See you at APV.

Safe travels,

Danielle's Bat Mitzvah Trip said...

That was weird. I don't know how that handle was selected! Oh, well.
